Five Senses Halloween
Riana Nelson
You might not know this about me, but when I was little, Halloween was my favorite holiday.
I truly loved it. The dramatic costumes. The pumpkins. The smells. The porch decor. The fake spider web stuff. Obsessed with the witches, cats, monsters, gravestones. The candy. The pumpkin patch on the hill at elementary school.
Then, the last day of October would finally come. Once we were costumed and photos were taken, the dark cold walk into the foggy night through the neighborhood began.
The Nelson Sibs
…with the World’s Best Mom crafting all this, before Pinterest existed
I loved the unusual out-of-the-ordinary trips to each neighbor's doorstep. An unfamiliar front yard path, to an unfamiliar porch, to an unfamiliar doorbell.
With a little black cat candy bucket clutched in my hands, I basked in the blast of warmth and cozy light that emerged from each person's front door as it swung open. The strange and intriguing smells wafting to my nose from each kitchen... and then the face of someone usually smiling (or dressed up scary, my favorite, though I was usually ACTUALLY scared).
"Trick-or-treeeeeeat!" I'd yelp, and BEAM. I remember feeling so special, in whatever costume I was wearing (often underneath a raincoat and umbrella, because #PacificNorthwest). And as if I had unlocked a magical door right in front of me,they would always procure a magical bowl of candy for me to choose from. Heaven.
I would say thank you, plop my candy into my little black cat bucket, holler "Happy Halloween!" as they closed the front door goodbye, and then: I could barely wait to find out what the next house smelled like!
Odd child, I know. 🤣✨
I was always fully immersed in the present. In all five senses. In every creative (or candy) impulse. In the sheer exuberance and anticipation of EVERYTHING Halloween.
I absolutely loved the surprise of Halloween. Kids from the neighborhood passing by on the street in the dark, but couldn't tell who they were in their costumes... so delightfully mysterious.
I still love surprises.
And I still love candy. (What's YOUR fav?)
Most people probably do not associate Halloween with LOVE. Or a LOVE LETTER. But I think it works. Halloween in my childhood neighborhood felt so cozy. I loved it. I loved my parents for making Halloween fun. I loved all of it. Heart full of love every single year.
Sadly, this Halloween in 2020 is a bit different this year for most of us.
So... my challenge to you is to find beautiful and unusual things to TRULY LOVE this weekend. Like, 7 year old Riana obsessed-with-the-smell-of-a-stranger's-house LEVEL OF UNUSUAL LOVE, ok? I'm sure we can all find delight in small, weird ways this weekend, and that's my challenge for you.
Sometimes the smallest things provide the most childlike wonder and joy. Celebrate them as such.
I hope this letter reminds you of that.
...And if you need some help with an idea for a SMALL, FUN, LOVEABLE idea... EEEeeeeEEeeee....
Well, actually, it's not really tricks OR treats, but it's a lot of fun affirmations from my own heart channeled just for you.
🎃Please tell me which one you get!!! Screenshot yours and send it to me on instagram @riananelson or send me an email and share with me! Click to spin, and let it inspire your weekend journaling!🎃